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International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
Main Content

Host Sites: MDS-AOS VisitingTraining Grant Program


The listed institutions have offered to host trainees participating in the MDS-AOS Visiting Trainee Grant program. This list is not comprehensive, and applicants may also apply to programs outside of this list. 

Trainees will need to separately apply and be accepted into the program at their host institution/sponsor to apply for the grant. 

View program details


Princess Alexandra Hospital
Woolloongabba, Australia

Clinical training, 1 year
English required
January/February start date preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: A$400 to A$750 per week, depending on your living circumstances.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: In order to be able to work clinically in Australia, there are significant administrative requirements. We would suggest to allow about 1 year of 'lead in' time for this.

Educational activities
The movement disorder fellow will be invovled in the following activities:

  • Outpatient management of movement disorders under supervision.
  • Participation in the botulinum toxin clinic under supervision.
  • Inpatient movement disorder consultations. 
  • Presurgical evaluation of movement disorders patients for deep brain stimulation and Gamma Knife surgery.  The movement disorder Fellow will be an integral part of the pre-surgical, intraoperative and post-surgical evaluative team. 

The Fellow will also be involved in all the educational activities of the Department of Neurology and Department of Medicine which include: 

  • Weekly joint clinical meetings with the Departments of Neurology and Radiology.
  • Weekly Grand Rounds (Department of Medicine)
  • Weekly Registrar training (Department of Neurology)
  • Weekly educational meeting (Department of Neurology)
  • Monthly Neuropathology meeting
  • Monthly multidisciplinary Deep Brain Stimulation and Gamme Knife planning and review meeting.


199 Ipswich Road
Woolloongabba, Queensland, Australia
Unit director: Alexander Lehn
Institution website

Contact: Alexander Lehn
Head of movement disorder unit


National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Clinical and research training, 6 months - 1 year
English and Bangla
January or July each year

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2 per session
Estimated monthly costs: Food: $150 USD. Accommodation: $300 USD. Traffic: $100 USD. Admission and Tuition Fees: $250 USD. Other expenses: $150 USD. Total: $950 USD.
Support available from host site: We have Dormitory for residents
can provide for up to 2 international residents/fellows.

Administrative requirements: 

  • Must be a medical doctor having M.B.B.S or M.D or equivalent graduate degree.
  • To have MD/FCPS/DM or equivalent post graduate degree in Neurology.
  • To have completed at least 3 years of post-graduate clinical training in Neurology in a recognized training institute.
  • To provide a detailed outline of the proposed Traineeship/research, including the major objectives.
  • To provide a letter of recommendation from his/her current academic supervisor/ director of your institute.
  • To have Temporary Registration from Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
  • To provide Current CV.
  • For Visa issue, please contact to Department of Immigration and Passports (

Educational activities

A Movement Disorder Fellow will be involved in the following activities:

  • To attend movement disorder clinic for outpatient management of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorder patients.
  • Inpatient problem oriented medical record (POMR) of movement disorder patients by the fellows and residents.
  • To attend ward round and bed side teaching from Director and other faculties of Movement Disorder Unit
  • Learning consultation of movement disorder patients during call in other departments.
  • Learning referral and comprehensive management of movement disorder patients.
  • To attend emergency department to learn how to manage movement disorder emergencies.
  • Learning neuropsychiatry of movement disorder patients.
  • Learning neuro rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorder patients.
  • To attend hands on training on weekly botulinum toxin injection clinic.
  • To learn device aided therapy particularly subcutaneous/injectable apomorphine therapy.
  • To learn ongoing Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery: Preoperative patient Selection, per operative monitoring and post-surgical follow up and programming.

Additional activities to be followed by a movement disorder fellow:

  • To attend monthly Neuroanatomy session of NINS
  • To attend weekly clinical meetings jointly organized by different departments of NINS
  • To attend weekly grand round of NINS
  • To attend monthly journal club of NINS
  • To attend academic seminars, symposia or workshops organized by NINS or other professional bodies.

Practicing neurologists the department: 10 total

  • Professor - 1
  • Associate Professor - 1
  • Assistant Professor - 2
  • Registrar - 1
  • Assistant Registrar - 2
  • Indoor Medical Officer - 2
  • Medical Officer - 1

Health professionals within your department: 22 total

  • Neurologists - 10
  • Neurosurgeon - 2
  • Neuropsychiatrist - 1
  • Neurorehabilitation specialist - 1
  • Nurse - 2
  • Research Assistant - 1
  • Clinic Attendant - 2
  • Botulinum Toxin Assistant - 1
  • Apomorphine Therapy Assistant - 1
  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Programming Assistant - 1

Shahid Shahabuddin Road
Sherebanglanagar, Dhaka 1207
Unit director: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shah Jahirul Hoque Chowdhury
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Imran Sarker
Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurology)



West China Hospital of Sichuan University
Chengdu, China

Clinical and research training, 6 months or 1 year
English proficiency required for 1-year program; Chinese required for 6-month program
Beginning September 1, 2022

Additional details

Number of positions: 3 for 1-year program, 20 for 6-month program
Estimated monthly costs: $1,000 per month
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Participants are required to comply with the regulations of the hospital regarding the COVID-19, and provide the necessary proof of nucleic acid testing for COVID-19.

Educational activities
The training courses are listed as below. 

  1. Concept and classification of movement disorder
  2. General introduction of pathogenesis of movement disorders
  3. General introduction of Hypokinetic disorders 
  4. Parkinson disorder: diagnosis and treatment
  5. Atypical Parkinson disorders:diagnosis and treatment 
  6. General introduction of Hyperkinetic disorders 
  7. Dystonia: diagnosis and treatment
  8. Tremor: diagnosis and treatment
  9. Chorea: diagnosis and treatment
  10. Myoclonus: diagnosis and treatment
  11. Tic disorder: diagnosis and treatment
  12. Psychogenic movement disorders: diagnosis and treatment
  13. Drug induced movement disorders: diagnosis and treatment
  14. Gait disorder: diagnosis and treatment
  15. Botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders
  16. Deep brain stimulation treatment for movement disorders
  17. Genetic update of movement disorders
  18. Neuroimaging update of movement disorders
  19. Neuropathology update of movement disorders
  20. Rehabilitation of movement disorders

No.37, Guoxuexiang Road
Chengdu, Sichuan province, China
Unit director: Huifang Shang
Institution website

Contact: Chunyu Li
Associate professor

Shanghai Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital (Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center) School of Medicine, Tongji University
Shanghai, China

Clinical training, 6 months 
English or Chinese required
Begins September 1, 2023

Additional details

Shanghai Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital (Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center) School of Medicine, Tongji University

Number of positions: 3
Estimated monthly costs: $1200 per month
Support available from host site: Paid dormitory (advance application required)
Administrative requirements: Participants are required to provide the necessary proof of nucleic acid testing for COVID-19, health examination certificate and HBV, TB vaccination certificates.

Educational activities

  • Basics of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders (PDMD) and practice in inpatient and outpatient clinics 
  • Clinical assessment and intervention strategies for PDMD physical therapy and occupational therapy  
  • Gait and Balance Impairment assessment and rehabilitation
  • Speech, language and swallowing assessment and rehabilitation
  • Cognitive and psychiatric disorders of PDMD assessment and rehabilitation  
  • Cardiopulmonary assessment and rehabilitation 
  • Deep Brain Stimulation and other neuromodulation technology
  • Neuroimaging of PDMD
  • Botulinum toxin treatment of PDMD
  • Artificial intelligence and AIDS for rehabilitation on PDMD
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine rehabilitation techniques on PDMD
  • Nursing of PDMD
  • Basic knowledge of experiments and clinical research on PDMD

Trainees will be impressed by the beautiful environment of the hospital and teamwork mode.

No. 2209, Guangxing Road
Songjiang District
Unit director: Lingjing Jin
Institution Website

Qing Zhao
Associate Professor

Shenzhen People’s Hospital Department of Neurology
Shenzhen, China

Clinical training, 1-3 months 
English and Chinese required
Start dates flexible

Additional details

Shenzhen People’s Hospital (The Second Clinical Medical College, Jinan University, The First Affiliated Hospital, Southern University of Science and Technology)

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: $1000-1200 per month living costs; $200 training fee
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

  • Seminar: PD outpatient clinic, programming clinic, clinic trial
  • Training: neurological examination, neuropsychological scale, clinical characteristics
  • Practical Information

1017 Dongmen North Road, Luohu District
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518020
Unit director: Xiaoguang Luo

Fengju Mao,
Xiaoguang Luo,

China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases
Beijing, China

Clinical or research training, 3 months
English or Mandarin required
Start date from August to November preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 3
Estimated costs: 5000 RMB accommodation, 5000 RMB living, 10,000 RMB institution fee per person
Support available from host site: The institution will assist with trainees' housing.
Administrative requirements: Visa is required for a short period of study. Endorsement of training program from MDS is required. Health insurance of trainees is required. Variable flight expense in and out to Beijing from home city shall be considered.

Educational activities

  1. Neuropathology of typical and atypical Parkinsonian disorders
  2. Neuropathology of other neurodegenerative disorders
  3. Clinical diagnosis and treatment of rare movement disorders, such as Huntington's disease, multiple system atrophy, spinal cerebellar ataxia, etc.
  4. Clinical cognitive assessment tools - ACE-III, MoCA, MMSE, etc.
  5. Clinical motor assessment tools, such as UHDRS, MDS- UPDRS, etc.

119, South 4th Ring Western Road, Fengtai
Beijing, China, 100070
Unit director: Yue Huang
Institution website

Contact: Yue Huang
PI in neurodegeneration​​​​​​​



Amrita Hospital
Faridabad,  India

Clinical training, 6 to 12 months
English required
Starts July 1st/January 1st

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 2000-3000 USD
Support available from host site: May be considered on case to case basis
Administrative requirements: As per The National Medical Commission (NMC) regulations

Educational activities

Fellows will be exposed to all aspects of movement disorders including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Tourette and Paediatric Movement Disorders, Botulinum toxin injections, Deep brain stimulation surgery, Neurogenetics and Neuro-palliative care.

Fellows will be expected to become involved in clinical trials and research projects as well as present at weekly phenomenology rounds and monthly journal and academic rounds. Fellows will be offered an opportunity to access a wide array of academic expertise within the Department of Neurology.

Mata Amritanandamayi Marg
Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana, India
Unit director: Sanjay Pandey
Institution Website

Contact: Sanjay Pandey
Head of the department, Neurology and Stroke Medicine


Artemis Hospital
Gurugram,  India

Clinical and research training, 1 year
English required
Starts July 1st

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Number of Faculty: 5
Estimated monthly costs: Total Institutional Course Fees:
For Indian Natrionals: Rs 2,00,000 plus taxes
For Foreign Nationals: USD 3600 plus taxes
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements:

For Indian Nationals:

  • 2 Aadhaar card copies
  • 2 Pan card copies
  • All educational certificate copies
  • COVID vaccination certificates 
  • 2 passport size photos

For Foreign Nationals:

  • Passport and Visa copies
  • All degree or educational certificate copies
  • COVID vaccination certificates 
  • 2 passport size photos

Indian Visa is required by non Indian nationals which can be obtained after applying, on basis of letter of invitation from the Institute

Educational activities

  • DBS surgery
  • DBS programming
  • Botox clinic
  • Movement disorder clinic
  • Nueroradiology conference
  • Movement disorder workshops

Sector - 51, Near Mall 51
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Unit director: Dr. Sumit Singh
Institution Website

Contact: Dr. Manish Mahajan
Senior Consultant Nuerology, Clinical and Acedemic


James Parkinson's Movement Disorder Research Centre
Kannur, India

Clinical training, 1 year
English required
Starts in January or July

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: USD $1,000 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Student Visa is required

Educational activities

  • Clinical Cases 
  • DBS

Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy
Kannur, Kerala, India
Unit director: Dr. Sujith Ovallath

Contact: Dr sujith Ovallath
Head of Neurology

CMR College of Engineering & Technology, CMR Hospital
Hyderabad, India

Research training: 1 week
English required
Starts in November 2023

Additional details

Number of positions: 60
Estimated monthly costs: Indian rupees forty thousand (40,000) equivalent approximately USD $500 per month.
Support available from host site: Can accommodate the housing but no stipend. The institute can house the trainees.
Administrative requirements: All the Foreign nationals require the Indian VISA to visit India

Educational activities

To apply new scientific data and prognostics predictions and/or diagnostic clinical diagnosis guidelines to improve Parkinson`s and selecting and behavioral outcomes for neuro-interventional study in subthalamic-nucleus (STN) with deep brain stimulation (DBS) and of microelectrodes into the important components of brain (subthalamic-nucleus, glogus pallidus). 

To interpret study results based on interventional design (STN neurons and GPe pallidal internus and externus neurons) and also medication (levodopa), and apply lessons learned for application in the design of online intervention. 

To discuss and analyze the STN neurons with the objective interventional study of the central nervous system (CNS) to assist in Parkinson and other movement disorders selection, target selection and likelihood of restorative and valuable success. 

To describe the uses of devices for functional sensors stimulation including rehabilitation of motor loss, loss of sensory function, and loss of cognition emotion though and motor controls. 

To expose emerging PD models, methods – techniques, new paradigms of therapy target selection and associated research in the bio medical and medical electronics instrumentation field of neuro- intervention. 

To differentiate mechanisms of disease states, such as complex neuronal pain syndromes, refractory angina and visceral pain syndromes and explain the current position of neuro- intervention in these constraints. 

Finally, to enlighten the many variations now available for electrical stimulation and how to select the appropriate technology.


Presently involved in developing and applying new estimation, systems and control-tools in order to build computational simulation and statistical models of electrical-activity in neural-circuits affected by Parkinson`s disease(PD), understand electro-physiological-dynamics of neural-circuits in health/disease-states during DBS treatment, design more effective, adaptive, and safer DBS-strategies for neurological-neurodegerative-disorders;  design new clinical/clinico-statistical-experiments, develop/apply systems-level mathematical-frameworks for modeling-and-controlling  neuronal-network-activity in the brain with DBS, create a more intelligent-system for both placing-and-controlling the electrodes; implant an intelligent-chip that continuously measures-monitors neural-activity, and finally build an effective new cadre-of-researchers who bridge the training and thinking gaps toward major-advances in trans discipline neuroscience, also involved in numerous clinical and/or diagnostic researches on movement disorders and other neurological disease/condition. 

In view of the above, we may be given the training grant to conduct the programme.

Medchal Road
Hyderabad, India
Unit director: Rupam Borgohain
Institution Website

Venkateshwarla Rama Raju
Professor & Principal Investigator

Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Research Centre, Citi Neuro Centre
Hyderabad, India

Clinical or research training; 1 year
English required
Starts in February

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs:  USD$600-750/ month
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

1. Assessment of movement disorders including clinical aspects, imaging, electrophysiology and genetic evaluation of movement disorders
2. Treatment of movement disorders including medical management,  training in Botulinum toxin injection (in dystonias including blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, oromandibular dystonia, cervical dystonia, spasmodic dysphonia, writer’s cramp, limb dystonia, hypersalivation, hyperhidrosis, spasticity etc), intrathecal baclofen therapy, use of deep brain stimulation (assessment, selection, planning and post op programming) and other neuromodulation devices in movement disorders.

The program will also include weekly seminars and journal clubs

The centre is active in conducting both Industry sponsored and self funded academic research projects and the fellow is expected to participate in these as well as conduct short term research projects.

Road No 12, MLA Colony, Banjara Hills
Hyderabad, India
Unit director: Prof. Rupam Borgohain
Institution Website

Dr. Rukmini Mridula Kandadai
Senior Consultant in Neurology, Movement disorders specialist and Director of Movement disorders unit Training Opportunities

Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata (I-NK)
Kolkata, India

Clinical or research training; 1 year, renewable for a 2nd
English required
Starts January 15 annually

Additional details

Number of positions: 1 clinical fellowship and 1 research fellowship per year
Estimated monthly costs:  USD$1,300/ month for the research fellow, and USD$2,000/month for the clinical fellow (considering the possible differences in their work-experience, educational qualification, and age)
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: INK will provide offer letter and letter of support to facilitate the visa process.

Educational activities


  • Daily interdisciplinary morning-meeting for discussion on complicated cases of movement disorders and other neurological diseases. 
  • Daily ward round and bedside teaching by Director of Movement disorder program and other faculties of movement disorder units. 
  • Daily screening and assessments of out-door patients with movement disorders under supervision of movement disorder specialists. Approximately half of the patients evaluated at Outpatient Department comprise of Parkinson’s disease (PD), thus allowing for rigorous training in the diagnosis and management of PD. The other half of patients spans a wide range of other movement disorders, including atypical parkinsonian syndromes, essential tremor, dystonia, ataxia, myoclonus, chorea, tics, tardive syndromes, and functional movement disorders.
  • Hands-on training botulinum toxin injections in various dystonic and spastic conditions in weekly toxin-clinic. Training in botulinum toxin injections will provide the fellow with knowledge of the necessary steps for successful chemodenervation therapy, including clinical indications and expected outcomes, target muscle(s) selection, toxin reconstitution and injection techniques, use of electromyogram EMG guidance, effective doses and troubleshooting of possible side effects. The fellow will be trained in injection techniques at the end of the program. 
  • Fellows will participate in the ongoing functional neurosurgery program for Movement Disorders (Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS). They will be an integral part of the pre-surgical, intraoperative and post-surgical evaluative team. DBS-related care involves evaluation and selection of patients, intraoperative recording, and post-operative programming. They will receive training in all multidisciplinary aspects of implantation and long-term management of patients receiving this therapy. In addition to evaluating new candidates for DBS surgery and patients receiving long-term therapy from implanted devices, fellows will become well versed in the criteria for DBS implantation in patients with movement disorders. Specific training is focused on finding optimal parameters of stimulation to treat motor symptoms while minimizing stimulation adverse effects. 
  • Participate in weekly journal club for critical appraisal of impactful publications. 
  • Participate in the weekly academic seminar on various important topics of Movement disorders. 
  • Will be trained on emergency management of movement disorder patients.
  • Video case presentation at Movement disorder national forums every month. The fellow will learn phenomenology, differential diagnosis, diagnostic evaluation, and management. 
  • Supervised training in clinical assessment and diagnostic evaluation (including neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and genetics) of various movement disorders. 

The research is multifaceted at our movement disorders research laboratory. The fellow will be assigned in anyone (or two) strands as per availability of the project and preference of the candidate. Following are the list of research-areas at our laboratory. 

  • Academic and industry sponsored clinical trials for evaluation of new drugs and devices in various Movement Disorders (Phase 1 to Phase 4). 
  • Gait study: Differential gait analysis of PD and atypical parkinsonism patients by using 2D-GAITrite electronic walkway. This technique enables us to objectively quantify various spatiotemporal gait parameters. We are in the process of setting up our 3D gait lab very soon for in-depth study of gait kinematics in patients with Movement Disorders.  
  • Human electrophysiology: The laboratory is equipped to assess various reflexes (blink reflex, prepulse inhibition of blink reflex, startle reflex) and other motor responses based on surface EMG recordings. We are also able to estimate readiness potentials of various movements and other ‘movement related potentials’ through concurrent EEG and EMG recordings.
  • Neurostimulation: We have experience in conducting TMS based assessments like – motor evoked potential and its modulation induced by peripheral nerve stimulation and paired transcranial magnetic pulses. Therapeutic application of peripheral nerves and cranial nerve stimulations are another area of interest of the lab.   
  • Quantitative structural neuroimaging: We have ongoing projects using cutting edge technology for analyzing brain-morphometric changes in patients with atypical Parkinsonism and correlation of brain pathology with symptoms and disease prognosis
  • Questionnaire-based study for evaluation of various motor and non-motor features of movement disorders. We have expertise to develop and validate clinical rating scales useful forassessment of movement-disorder patients.  
  • Genetic polymorphism study on Indian population for exploring risk of adverse drug reactions and efficacy of PD medications.   
  • Basic science research elucidating the relationship of pathogenic proteins like alpha-synuclein with neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dynamics and impaired clearance pathways in PD employing cell culture models and advanced molecular biology techniques.
  • Biomarker assessment in patient serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and saliva samples of PD patients. correlation analysis of peripheral markers with clinical severity, symptom onset, disease progressionand therapeutic monitoring.
  • In addition to the above tailored research activities at I-NK, we offer a dedicated curriculum of biostatistics, bioethics, data management, clinical trial design, manuscript writing and grant writing. Research duties include participation in weekly journal club to discuss current research articles and consultation with immediate supervisor for work progress on weekly basis. Fellows will have the opportunity to present their work in both national and international movement disorder conferences. Besides this, the research fellow will be encouraged to author original/review articles, book chapters or case series for their career development


Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata (I-NK) is a 195-bedded Super Specialty Neuro Care hospital with a public private partnership (PPP) project of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Govt. of West Bengal and Neurosciences Foundation Bengal (registered society). 

There are more than 10000 outpatient visits (new and follow-up) by movement disorders patients to I-NK each year, providing an excellent clinical and research base for trainees. An electronic medical records system is available for access to clinical records. The institution conducts bench-to-bedside research to bridge the translational gap in movement-neurosciences.

185/1, AJC Bose Road, B25:J25
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Unit director: Dr. Hrishikesh Kumar
Institution website 

Dr Supriyo Choudhury
Assistant Director of Research and Senior Research Fellow, Neurology

BMH Gimcare Hospital
Kannur, India

Clinical training, 1 year
English required
Begins in January

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: $1,000 USD
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Will need student Visas

Educational activities

  • Movement Disorder Clinical training
  • Deep brain stimulation

Kannur, Kerala, India
Unit director: Dr. Sujith Ovallath

Contact: Dr. Sujith Ovallath
Senior consultant

Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre
Mumbai, India

Clinical training, 1 year
English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs:  Mumbai's average student rental can cost up to $1,000 USD per month. The institution charges Rs. 40,000/- per month. (Indian Rupees - Approx $ 500/- per month as observer fees.
Support available from host site: Stipend is only for movement disorder fellowship trainees. There is no accommodation for observers or fellowship trainees.
Administrative requirements: Indian visa will be required. Licensing regulations may also apply.

Educational activities

  • Approach to the diagnosis and management of movement disorders
  • Training in the indicaitons, usage of botulinum toxin in movement disorders
  • Training in patient selection, intraoperative management and post op DBS programming.

15 Dr. Gopalrao Deshmukh Marg
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Unit director: Dr. Pettarusp Wadia
Institution website

Contact: Pettarusp Wadia
Director Movement Disorders

Manipal Hospital Center for Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders
Bangalore, India

Clinical training, 1-2 years
English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Clinic

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: From $750 USD upward
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: As per the guidelines of the Indian visa requirements website.

Educational activities

  • Clinical training
  • Botulinum toxin training
  • Surgical assessments (Deep brain stimulation and lesioning)
  • Apomorphine pump therapies
  • Research and publications (based on interest a short term rotational posting to basic sciences)

Manipal Hospital, Miller's Road
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Unit director: Dr. Prashanth LK
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Prashanth LK



Pardis Specialized Wellness Institute
Isfahan, Iran

Clinical, research or allied health training, 1 year
English required
Can start any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 40
Estimated costs: The estimated costs for trainees are $2,000 USD for living expenses and $1,000 USD monthly institutional feed. The institution can also provide web-based education.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities: include research method, cunducting clinical trials, and prescribing exercise for patients with movement disorders.

No 32 Next To The Alley 16, Arbab St,
Isfahan, Iran 1657-65583
Unit director: Dr. Mohammad Ali Tabibi
Institution website

Contact: Nasrin Salimian
Head of Research and Development Department

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Iran

Clinical training, 6 months to 1 year
English required
Normally starts in September

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2
Estimated costs: The cost of living in Tehran is around 100-200$/month.
Support available from host site: We can provide dormitory in which food is included.
Administrative requirements: Most countries need visas to come to Iran, but getting a student visa would not be hard.

Educational activities: 

  • Management of different types of Movement Disorders including PD, atypical parkinsonism, genetical and sporadic Dystonia, HD, and other types of hereditary and non-hereditary chorea, ataxia, tic, tremor, myoclonus, etc.
  • Visiting DBS surgery and programming of patients with DBS, we are doing DBS for Pd, dystonia, Et, Tic, chorea, etc.
  • BTX injection for dystonia and spasticity.
  • Be familiar with apomorphine injection and management of patients. 
  • Be familiar with different types of research in the field.

Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital,
Tajrish SQ, Tehran, Iran 1989934148
Unit director: Mehri Salari
Institution website

Contact: Mehri Salari
Associate Professor of Neurology



Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Tel Aviv, Israel

Clinical, research and allied health training, 1-2 years
Either Hebrew, English, or Russian required
September start date preferred, some flexibility

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: $2000-$3000 USD.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

  • Direct mentorship
  • Tuesday morning weekly scientific conferences
  • Video rounds
  • Monthly unique cases presentation

6 Weizmann Street
Rishonim Building
Tel Aviv, Israel, 6423906
Unit director: Roy Alcalay
Institution website

Contact: Roy Alcalay
Division head



Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine Juntendo University
Bunkyo-ku, Japan

Clinical and research training, 6 months
English and Japanese required
Begins September 2022

Additional details

Number of positions: 2 per year
Estimated monthly costs: The average monthly rent for a one-room short-term accommodation, not including utilities, is around 50,000 yen ($400 USD; USD$1=130 yen). Utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, cost around 10,000 Yen ($80 USD). Restaurants offer meals for between $5 and $10.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Except for visa waiver countries, Japan requires a visa on entering Japan.

Educational activities

  • Clinical management of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
  • Pathology of Parkinsonism
  • Device-aided therapy for Parkinson’s disease, including Deep brain stimulation and LCIG
  • Botulinum toxin treatment

Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Unit director: Nobutaka Hattori
Institution website

Contact: Taku Hatano
Associate Professor

Kameda Medical Center
Kamogawa, Japan

Clinical training, 1 year
English or French required
Begins in April or September

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: 150,000 Japanese yen
Support available from host site: Stipend dependent on carrier, housing
Administrative requirements: National board qualification of neurology preferred

Educational activities

  • Clinical round
  • Case teaching
  • Weekly radiological conference
  • Monthly pathological conference

Higashi-cho 929
Kamogawa, Chiba, Japan
Unit director: Hidehiro Shibayama
Institution website

Contact: Hidehiro Shibayama
Deputy Director of Neurology

Department of Neurology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Kyoto, Japan

Clinical training, 6 months
Japanese or English required
Begins in September

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: 250,000 - 300,000 Japanese yen (JPY) as the standard living costs. An additional fee is required to apply as a research student (i.e. 9,800 JPY for the examination fees, 84,600 JPY for the admission fee and 29,700 JPY/month for the tuition fee and a small amount of commission fee).
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: A visa is required to enter Japan. For a research student, an examination is necessary.

Educational activities

  • Clinical practice of Parkinson's disease including device-aided therapies for Parkinson’s disease (i.e.Deep brain stimulation and LCIG) , clinical rounds and clinical case conferences for parkinson's disease and related disorders.

54 Shogoin-Kawaharacho
Sakyō-ku, Kyoto, Japan
Unit director: Ryosuke Takahashi
Institution website

Contact: Etsuro Nakanishi
Assistant Professor


Seoul National University Hospital
Seoul, Korea

Clinical training, 3 to 6 months
English required, Korean (optional)
December 1 to February 28

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: Monthly living cost in Seoul: 1500USD
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa is needed

Educational activities

  • Outpatient clinic and inpatient care
  • Movement disorders at Emergency Department
    botulinum toxin clinic
  • Management of DBS patient
  • MRI guided focused ultrasound
  • Clinical studies 
  • Lab meeting and journal/topic review

Department of Neurology
101 Daehakro Jongnogu
Seoul, Korea 03080
Unit director: Han-Joon Kim
Institution website

Han-Joon Kim



International Islamic University Malaysia
Kuantan, Malaysia

Research and allied health training, 3 weeks
English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 3
Estimated monthly costs:  $1 USD = 4 MYR. Accommodation, $500 USD. Living expenses, $500 USD. Bench fees, $2,000 USD. Chemicals and ZF, $2,000 USD.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa processing through university immigration

Educational activities

  • Induction and validation of Zebra Fish model of PD
  • Behavioral testing of ZF PD
  • Genetics study of ZF PD Model

International Islamic University Medical Campus, IIUM
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Unit director: Wael Mohamed
Institution website

Wael MY Mohamed
Assistant Professor



University of Science & Technology, Bannu
Bannu, Kohat, Pakistan

Clinical and research training, 6 months to 2 years
English required
Can start any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 5
Estimated costs: 500 EUR living, 300 EUR institution fee
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities: Basic courses about DNA, population genetics, Neurogenetics, Molecular Genetics, molecular biology, research techniques, Genomics etc.

1- Bannu,KPK, Pakistan
Bannu, Kohat, Khyber Pashtoon khwa (KPK), Pakistan, 28100, 26000
Unit director: Dr. Shoaib ur Rehman
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Shoaib ur Rehman,
Associate professor, Head Human Molecular Genetics research group



National Neuroscience Institute

Clinical, research, and allied health training, 1 year
English required
Start times flexible, coordinate 6 months in advance

Additional details

Number of positions: 2-3
Estimated monthly costs: Living expenses SG $2,500 to $3500. Registration/application fees, approximately SG $2,000 (one time).
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Work pass applications are needed. Registration to Singapore Medical Council for medical registration is needed to be able to practice and have direct clinical patient contact. At least 6 months time needs to be provided for Medical registration and other administrative procedures to be completed.

Educational activities

  • Specialists PD and MD clinics
  • Botulinum Toxin clinics
  • Care of inpatients with movement disorders
  • Hands-on attachment in motor control laboratory
  • DBS surgery: pre, intra, and post-operative management
  • Movement Disorders and multi-disciplinary rounds
  • Participation in research projects, presentations and publications
  • Attendance at scientific meetings and rounds
  • Visits to PD exercise class/physiotherapy session, occupational therapy, voice class/speech therapy and growth groups/medical social worker counseling sessions
  • Introduction to PD patient support groups at NNI the work of the PD Society (Singapore)
  • Other attachments at the specific request of the fellow, will be incorporated where possible

11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng
Unit director: Prof Louis Tan, Prof Eng-King Tan
Institution website

Contact: Louis Tan
Director Parkinson and Movement Disorders Program


Taiwan (R.O.C.)

National Taiwan University Hospital
Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Clinical or research training, 3-12 months
English required, Mandarin encouraged
Start varies by program duration

Additional details

Start time: 1-year program: August 1 to July 31. 
3-6 months program: August 1 to January 31 (applications due March 15), or February 1 to July 31 (applications due September 15).
Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: Food: $450 USD. Accommodation: $700 USD. Traffic: $100 USD.Other expenses: $200 USD. Total: $1450 USD. 
Support available from host site: Housing options, but need a rent: Taita Jin-Fu Foundation affiliated with National Taiwan University Hospital Dormitory of National Taiwan University campus
Administrative requirements:

  • Approval from the Department of Medical Education at National Taiwan University Hospital
  • A recommendation letter from your academic supervisor or the director of your residency training program.
  • Photocopy of diplomas for your degree in medicine (M.D., M.B.) or any other related medical fields, which should be translated into English.
  • Photocopy of qualified licenses related to medical fields.
  • Proof of residency training (at least 3 full years of post-graduate clinical training)
  • Certificate of Health (including Chest X-ray for Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B status, Serological Test for Syphilis, Proof of Positive Measles and Rubella Antibody or Measles and Rubella Vaccination Certificates
  • Proof of travel and health insurance.
  • For visa information, please refer to the official website of Ministry of Consular Affair, Taiwan

Educational activities
Clinical training:

  • Regular weekly morning meeting of movement disorders, including real case demonstration, video analysis and journal reading to learn the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of typical and parkinsonism-plus syndrome and unusual movement disorders.
  • To learn the pharmacological treatment and complications in PD and atypical parkinsonism at Movement disorder special clinic (3 sessions per week) and Neurology ward. 
  • To learn the deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease and dystonia, including pre-surgical evaluation in Neurology ward, intraoperative electrophysiology recording in operation room, and post-operative programming at DBS special clinic (one session per week). 
  • To learn the Botox injection in special clinic for dystonia and post-stroke spasticity two session per month. 
  •  To learn the phenotype and genotype in monogenic Parkinson’s disease and other rare movement disorders at clinic or Neurology ward.
  • To learn the various clinical rating scale of PD, including MDS UPRRS and dyskinesia, PDQ39 and ICD rating scale.
  • To learn the MMSE, MoCA and complete neuropsychological test in Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment and PD dementia.

Research course:

  • DNA and RNA extraction from Patients whole blood.
  • Reading and interpretation of genotyping from Sanger sequence and NGS.  
  • Small animal models of parkinsonism such as intracranial injection of 6-OHDA or MTPT neurotoxin, and transgenic mice model of LRRK2 or alpha synuclein A53T mutation. 
  • Histology and behavior tests in small animal models of parkinsonism. 
  • In vivo electrophysiological study of deep brain stimulation and essential tremor

No.7, Chung Shan South. Road
Zhongzheng District
Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Unit director: Ruey-Meei Wu
Institution website

Contact: Ruey-Meei Wu
Director and professor of Neurology



Chulalongkorn Center of Excellence for Parkinson's Disease & Related Disorders, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand

Clinical, research or allied health training, 3 months - 2 years
English or Thai required
2-year program begins in July; Other start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 2-3
Estimated monthly costs: At least US$750 per month for housing; University registration fee is approximately US$ 750 per trimester (6 months per trimester)
Support available from host site: If trainees apply for a 2-year program with a Master’s degree, trainees can apply for University funding, which will cover the registration fee and some stipend.
Administrative requirements: Curriculum vitae, neurology training certificate or nurse training certificate, 2 letters of recommendation

Educational activities

Trainees will get updated on the advanced knowledge and clinical findings through weekly seminars on selected topics of movement disorders. Clinical practice will be conducted at both out-patient clinics and in-patient care units which include the followings:

  • Botulinum toxin clinic
  • Parkinson’s disease clinic
  • Hyperkinetic movement disorders clinic
  • Advanced care clinic
  • Gait clinic
  • Home adaptation clinic
  • Neuropsychiatry for movement disorders clinic
  • Neurophysiology for movement disorders clinic
  • Sleep-related movement disorder clinic

1873 King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
7th Fl. Sor Tor Building
Pathumwan, Bangkok, Thailand 10330
Unit director: Roongroj Bhidayasiri
Institution website

Contact: Jirada Sringean
Fellowship Co-director



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