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International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
Main Content

Host Sites: MDS-ES Visiting Trainee Grant


Institutions listed have offered to host trainees participating in the MDS-ES Visiting Trainee Grant program. This list is not comprehensive, and applicants may also apply to programs outside of this list. 

Trainees will need to separately apply and be accepted into the program at their host institution/sponsor to apply for the grant. 

View program details


Antwerp University Hospital
Edegem, Belgium

Clinical or research training, 1-12 months
English or Dutch required
January to April

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: $1200-1500 euro.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Please contact institution for details on administrative requirements.

Educational activities

  • Outpatient clinic movement disorders
  • DBS program
  • Device-aided therapies (pump therapies)
  • Botulinum toxin clinic
  • Participation in research projects

Department of Neurology
Drie Eikenstraat 655
Edegem, Antwerpen, Belgium 2650
Unit director: David Crosiers
Institution website

Contact: David Crosiers
Head of movement disorder unit

Ziekenhuis Geel
Geel, Belgium

Clinical or research training, 1 month to 1 year
Dutch or English required
September-October start date preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: Living costs, covered by trainee.
Support available from host site: Housing support provided.
Administrative requirements: Detailed CV and medical license required.

Educational activities: Sleep medicine related clinical research: REM Sleep Behavioural Syndrome and Rem Sleep Whithout Antonia in relation to PD

J.B. Stessensstraat 2
Geel, Antwerpen, Belgium 2440
Unit director: Jo Leenders
Institution website

Contact: Jo Leenders
​​​​​​​Director of the Neurology Department


UHC Rijeka
Rijeka, Croatia

Clincial and research training, 1-3 months
English required
Starts in the fall

Additional details

Number of positions: 3
Estimated monthly costs: 800eur including meal and living expenses.
Support available from host site: It is possible to arrange housing in the student dormitory with prior reservation in advance.
Administrative requirements: Visa requirements are depending on the country. There are no restrictions for EU members.

Educational activities
Movement disorders, dementia, DBS and other invasive methods

Kresimirova 42
Rijeka, Croatia, Croatia
Unit director: Vladimira Vuletić
Institution website 

Contact: Vladimira Vuletic
Head of Clinic Dept.


Czech Republic 

Dept. of Neurology, Charles University 
Prague, Czech Republic

Clinical training, 6 weeks
English required, basic Czech preferred
March-April or October-November

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: $2,000 USD
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: University training agreement

Educational activities

  • Outpatient clinics Parkinson
  • Abnormal movements
  • Interventional therapies

Katerinska 30
Prague, Czechia, Czech Republic
Unit director: Hana Brozova
Institution website​​​​​​​

Contact: Hana Brozova
Associate Professor



Movement Disorders Unit
Marseille, France

Clinical and research training, 3 or 6 months
French required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 1200 euros
Support available from host site: no
Administrative requirements: Visa considerations to stay in France more than 3 months

Educational activities

  • Management of Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes.
  • Management of second line treatments: apomorphine and duodopa pumps, DBS
  • Management and diagnosis of movement disorders (chorea, dystonia, tics, tremor) botulism toxin infections

Rue Saint Pierre
University Hospital Timone
Movement Disorders Unit
Marseille, BDR, France
Unit director: Prof J-Ph Azulay

Contact: Jean Philippe Azulay
Head department

Toulouse University Hospital
Toulouse, France

Clinical and research training, 3-12 months
French required
Start times between September and June
Must be arranged 6 months in advance

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 2000 euros/month, considering 700-800 for renting an apartment, and then living costs 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Assurance, no visa consideration for European trainees

Educational activities

  • Clinical: Device-aided therapies ( apomorphine pump, duodopa, deep brain stimulation), in-patients and outpatients activities for Parkinson's disease, ataxia, expert center for Wilson Disease, Center of Reference for Multiple System Atrophy, Botulin toxin clinic
  • Research domain: Research on MSA progression (clinical/neuroimaging biomarkers), multidisciplinary care models, device-aided therapies and tolerance, treatment of axial signs in advanced PD patients
  • Clinical investigator center: Leaning among 10-15 trials in movement disorders (mainly PD) each year, industrial and university cohort studies

Place du Dr Baylac
Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Unit director: Olivier Rascol
Institution website​​​​​​​

Contact: Olivier Rascol
Chief of the Movement disorder Center and Director of the Clinical Investigator Center

Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, University Hospital Bordeaux
Bordeaux, France

Clinical training, up to 3 months
French preferred, but English also acceptable
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1 at a time
Estimated monthly costs: Monthly living costs 800-1000€. No institution fee. 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa required for many countries outside the European Community.

Educational activities
The Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases offers a broad spectrum of in- and outpatient training activities with multidisciplinary management of patients with PD and movement disorders involving several units:

  • A 12-bed ward dedicated to Movement Disorders
  • The clinical branch of the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases including the multidisciplinary outpatient clinic of the regional Expert Centre for PD 
  • A DBS program 
  • The Bordeaux site of the French Reference Centre for MSA 
  • Competence centres for Huntington’s disease, PSP, Tourette syndrome and Wilson’s disease  
  • The Bordeaux site of the French Reference Center for neurogenetics covering genetic movement disorders 
  • A botulinum toxin clinic with a large cohort of patients with dystonia 
  • A neurophysiological laboratory with special interest in PD and Movement Disorders
  • Several clinical research programs are run at IMNc and the French Reference Centre for MSA (biomarkers, cognition, epidemiology, imaging, sleep, treatment trials including DBS)

Place Amélie Raba-Léon
Bordeaux, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
Unit director: Prof. Wassilios Meissner
Institution website

Contact: Prof. Wassilios Meissner
Head of Department

Grenoble, France

Clinical and research training, 2-24 months
French is preferred but English is okay
Start times flexible, not during summer

Additional details

Number of positions: 3 per year
Estimated monthly costs: 2000-2500 euros per month 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: For more than 6 months, there are special requirements that require time to be set up.

Educational activities

  • Diagnosis and management of movement disorders patients
  • Botulinum toxin injections with ultrasound guide
  • Invasive treatments (apomorphine and duodopa pumps, DBS)
  • Patients' education program
  • Preclinical research with FUS

Division of Neurology
CHU Grenoble
Grenoble, Isere, France
Unit director: Elena Moro

Contact: Elena Moro
Department Head

ICM Paris Brain Institute
Paris, France

Research training, 6-12 months
English required, intermediate French preferred
Begins in September of January

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 1200 Euros/ month minimum
Support available from host site: International contact at ICM for foreign fellows and researchers, special "junior" group (master, PhD): "les ajités" for networking
Administrative requirements: Trainees must be listed as visiting research fellow at ICM (salary, health insurance, vaccinations)

Educational activities

  • Physiology (eye movements)
  • Physiology (TMS/TDCs etc in movement disorders)
  • Neuroimaging (MRI in movement disorders and Parkinson's disease)
  • Clinical Research

Research fellow will be under the supervision of a researcher. They may also spend time in the movement disorders clinical group (interconnected with the research group) and will be under the supervision of a permanent position senior movement disorders doctor.

Salpetriere Hospital
Bd de l'Hopital
Paris, Paris, France
Unit director: Vidailhet M / Roze E, Pouget P
Institution website ​​​​​​​

Contact: Marie Vidailhet
Team leader

Salpetriere Hospital, Paris Brain Institute
Paris, France

Clinical and reserach training, 6-12 months
English required, French would be important for patient interaction
September start preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: 1800  to 2000 Euros / month for housing, transportation, etc
Support available from host site: No stipend and housing, but the institution could help administratively with application for international student housing
Administrative requirements: Health insurance, no visa required from European countries. The international office at ICM for foreigners will provide more information

Educational activities

Fellows will always be under the supervision of a Senior Movement Disorders Doctor (mentorship)

  • Movement disorders Clinic :DBS (for PD, dystonia, tremor) 2 line treatment for PD (duodopa, apomorphine pumps), Dystonia National reference center (diagnosis, botulinum toxin clinic,etc) linked with ERN 
  • Tourette Reference Centre
  • ICM (ParisBrain Institute, Mov'it research team (Vidailhet/Lehericy) on Pathophysiology Dystonias (e.g. myoclonus dystonia, PRRT2..) and PD and iRBD (multimodal approach, MRI)
  • MRI research projects 
  • Attendance to international speakers conference at ICM

Departement de Neurologie Hopital de la Salpetriere
Bd de l'Hopital
Paris, Paris, France
Unit director: Marie Vidailhet

Contact: Marie Vidailhet
Director of the Movement Disorders Unit nt

Hopital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild
Paris, France

Clinical and reserach training, 3 month - 6 month - 12 month
French required

Additional details

Number of positions: 3
Estimated monthly costs: At least 1500 euros per month including : apartment location, food etc
No institution fees are required
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

As part of the training program: 

  • taking part in medical consultations
  • taking part in visits to hospitalised patients
  • taking part in consultations on deep brain stimulation settings
  • participation in research protocols
  • involvement in scientific research and writing articles 
  • taking part in department meetings
  • learning how to manage second-line treatments (duodopa, apomorphine, foslevodopa, DBS)

29-33 rue Manin, 75019
Paris, France
Unit director: Dr. Jean-Philippe Brandel
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Clément Desjardins
Chief of Residents



University Hospital Dresden, Department of Neurology
Dresden, Germany

Clinical and reaearch training, 6 months
English and German required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1 at a time
Estimated monthly costs: 800-1000€
Support available from host site: Administrative 
Administrative requirements: Vaccination for COVID-19 and measles is mandatory

Educational activities
Clinical evaluation, lab research, imaging, DBS, pump therapy

Fetscherstrasse 74
Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Unit director: Bjoern Falkenburger
Institution website

Contact: Bjoern Falkenburger
Head of Movement Disorder Unit

Institute of Systems Motor Science / University of Lübeck
Lübeck, Germany

Clinical observerships and research training, minimum 4 weeks
German or English required
Start dates flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: Monthly living costs 1000€
Support available from host site: There is no direct funding by the institute. View funding opportunities by the university. The university of Lübeck has a guest house
Administrative requirements: Contact office for details. 

Educational activities
  • Participation in clinical training: Tic / Tourette, Rare diseases in children and adolescents, Huntington's disease, dystonia, spasticity / botulinumtoxin, Parksinon's disaese

  • Participation in research training: EEG, non invasive brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation

Ratzeburger Allee160
Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein 23562 Germany
Unit director: Prof. Alexander Münchau
Institution website

Contact: Maike Dümcke-Zilian

Krankenhaus Rummelsberg; Neurologische Klinik, Movement Disorders Dept.
Schwarzenbruck/Nuremberg, Germany

Clinical and allied health training, up to 4 weeks
English (Neurologists); German (Nurses, Therapy) required
Start times vary

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Allied health specialties: Speach Therpapists; Nursing; Physiotherapy
Estimated monthly costs: No fee. 1000/month. Affordable hotel recommendation available.
Support available from host site:
Administrative requirements: Proof of approbation and Med. Exam; CV; Please contact for further information:

Educational activities
  • Medical Treatment
  • Botulinumtoxin
  • DBS
  • Pump Therapies
  • Speach and Physiotherapies

Rummelsberg 71
Bavaria 90592 Germany
Unit director: Martin Winterholler
Institution website

Contact: Martin Winterholler
Head of Dept.

Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, Germany

Clinical observationship and research training, 6 weeks - 3 months
German required
Start date flexible

Additional details

Only clinical "observerships" or research training, but no "hands on" clinical training.

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: monthly living costs: ca. 1000 €. No institutional fees.
Support available from host site: No stipend. Limited University housing at reduced cost.
Administrative requirements: Vaccination requirements. Long processing times.

Educational activities
  • Participation in all rounds and teaching activities

Fetscherstrasse 74
Dresden, Saxony 01307 Germany
Unit director: Björn Falkenburger
Institution website

Contact: Anke Wobst
Secretary to BF

University of Leipzig Medical Center
Leipzig, Germany

Clinical and research training, Duration negotiable depending on personal preferences/goals, at least 4 weeks
English required
April or October

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: About 900-1000 Euros per month
Support available from host site: Support regarding accomodation. Trainees do not receive financial support from the Leipzig University Medical Center.
Administrative requirements: A German National Visa is required for long-term stays (more than 90 days) for non-EU nationals.

Educational activities: 

  • movement disorder outpatient clinic
  • ward rounds
  • journal clubs
  • deep brain stimulation surgery
  • deep brain stimulaton programming
  • visit of neurosurgery and nuclear medicine departments
  • botulinumtoxin treatment

Liebigstraße 20
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany 04103
Unit director: Joseph Classen/Jost-Julian Rumpf
Institution website

Contact: Jost-Julian Rumpf
jost-julian.rumpf@medizin.uni-leipzig.deSenior physician

University Medical Center Goettingen
Goettingen, Germany

Research training, 3-12 months
English required
Can begin September through May

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: Appx. 1,200 for living costs. No fees.
Support available from host site: Project support provided.
Administrative requirements: Visa for EU, CV, health insurance required.

Educational activities: Basic science training in the field of movement disorders

Waldweg 33
Goettingen, Lower Saxony, Germany 37073
Unit director: Tiago Outeiro
Institution website

Contact: Tiago Outeiro
​​​​​​​Director of Department

Isar- Amper-Klinikum
Taufkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

Clinical, research, and allied health training, 1-3 months depending on the focus of the training
German and English are the main languages. Italian, Portuguese, Czech, and Slovak are also spoken by doctors.
Depending on availability, training should be planned at least six months in advance.

We are the only centre in Germany and Europe specialising in the psychiatric aspects of movement disorders, most commonly Huntington's disease, and offer a full range of services including outpatient genetic counselling, clinical trials including gene modifying therapies, inpatient neurological and psychiatric care and palliative care. We provide a multidisciplinary care invloving, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy.

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2
Estimated costs: Depending on the facilities, our clinic can provide a personal apartment (fully furnished with a small bathroom and kitchenette) for the trainee, if organised in advance, at a price of 300 euros per month, or a room in training apartments where three trainees share one apartment (200 Euros per month). We can provide a bicycle for mobility for free and one meal per day at our clinic. So there will be a transport or travel costs to be paid mostly and pocket money. We are 20 km from Munich airport and would pick up the trainee at the airport or train station. There is a bus connection to the next town, Dorfen, and then a train to Munich. Free parking is available in Taufkirchen or at the clinic.
Support available from host site: As mentioned above, we can provide very reasonably priced accommodation, and if the trainee is from an underserved area, we would provide free accommodation. We can also provide a meal in the clinic stuff cafeteria (including main course, salad, drink and dessert).
Administrative requirements: We may need a visa for the EU. Otherwise we need regular administrative papers incl. CV/Diploma/Certifications,...etc.

Educational activities:

We have experience of having hosted trainees from the European Huntington's Disease Association (EHDN), and we regularly host trainees in neurology, psychiatry, psychology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. The trainee would be part of the multidisciplinary team and would work under supervision, we focus on the practical aspects such as bedside teaching and try to provide a real life clinical experience.

Bräuhausstraße 5
Taufkirchen, Bavaria, Germany 84559
Unit director: Alzbeta Mühlbäck, MD, PhD
Institution website

Contact: Alzbeta Mühlbäck, MD, PhD
Head of the Huntington Center South

Hannover Medical School
Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

Clinical and research training, 1-4 months
English required, some German

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: About 600-800€
Support available from host site: Housing on the campus is possible
Administrative requirements: EU visa

Educational activities: 

  • non-oral therapies for PD
  • atypical Parkinsonian syndromes
  • RBD
  • Botulinum toxin therapy.

Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany 30625
Unit director: Prof. Dirk Dressler, Dr. Martin Klietz
Institution website

Contact: Martin Klietz



Dublin Neurological Institute
Dublin, Ireland

Clinical and research training, 3 months - 1 year
Fluent English required
Begins in July

Additional details

DNI Fellows have the option to establish their own research theme/project or pursue existing themes/projects. Trainees will also be able to work with a range of partnering institutions.

Number of positions: 1-2
Estimated monthly costs: 1,800 - 2,000 Euros per month. No institutional fees needed. For non- EU applicants visa fees may apply and this will not be covered by the institution.  
Support available from host site: Stipend may be available depending on the project.
Administrative requirements: Applicants from UK, Swiss, EU or the EEA countries will be eligible for a 1 year Training opportunity. Due to visa restrictions present in Ireland,  non-EU applicants will only be able to stay for a maximum of 90 days. Site will be able to provide supporting documentation if required for visa applications.

Educational activities
  • Weekly general and subspecialty movement disorders clinics to diagnose and manage quaternary referral patients from all over Ireland with the supervising consultant neurologist.
  • Trainees will rotate through the busy outpatient service, the inpatient neurology service, and inpatient consults service.
  • Fellows will work in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) specializing in movement disorders.
  • Trainees can access a comprehensive clinical video library with over 3,000 movement disorders videos for teaching, training, research, and clinical monitoring of patient’s signs.
  • The DNI provides a separate clinic for assessment of patients with complex or inherited movement disorders. Fellows will be taught to construct and maintain a family pedigree using the genetics software progeny, to interpret genetics results including next generation sequencing, and to understand the limitations of exon sequencing and genome sequencing in clinical practice.
  • Fellows will attend the All-Ireland DBS clinics to learn pre-op and post-op assessments, work with a highly specialized DBS MDT, and DBS programming. 
  • Fellows will have the opportunity to attend DBS surgery at the National Neurosurgery Centre at Beaumont Hospital.
  • National case conferences, internal and external (e.g. Columbia University NY) neurology video rounds, journal clubs, and movement disorders master classes are held regularly at the DNI and will provide learning opportunities for fellows to expand their clinical knowledge and skills.

57 Eccles St, Phibsborough
Dublin D07 W7XF Ireland
Unit director: Timothy Lynch
Institution website

Contact: John Inocentes
Clinical Research Nurse and Coordinator



University of Catania
Catania, Italy

Clinical and research training, 6-12 months
English required
September start preferred, February/March possible

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: Housing, around 250€ for a single room in a shared apartment or 500€ for a small apartment downtown. City public transport system (bus, metro), 35€/
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Trainees will have to be accepted for clinical and research training by both the Azienda Policlinico G. Rodolico-San Marco (University hospital) and by the University of Catania. All incoming trainees have to complete the administrative process with the University hospital if they wish to assess patients. Trainees interested in research only have to complete the administrative process with the University of Catania. No specific requests for visa.

Educational activities
Trainees will have the opportunity of being involved in the following activities: 

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic process of Parkinson's Disease patients in advanced diseas stage (i.e. use continuous intrajejunal infusion of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel; follow-up of DBS patients)
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic process of atypical parkinsonisms patients
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic process of patients with essential tremor and other tremor syndromes
  • Execution of instrumental neurovegetative assessment
  • Execution of instrumental gait analysis of patients with movement disorders

via Santa Sofia,78
Catania, Catania. Italy
Unit director: Mario Zappia
University website

Contact: Mario Zappia
Full professor

Sapienza University of Rome,  Department Human Neurosciences
Rome, Italy

Clinical and research training, 1 month
English required
Avoid july and august

Additional details

Number of positions: 5
Estimated monthly costs: 2000 euro/month for lodging, meals
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Health insurance

Educational activities

  • Clinical assessment of Movement Disorders patients
  • Botulinum toxin clinic for dystonia and spasticity
  • Advanced neurophysiological techniques

Viale dell'Università 30
Rome, Italy 00185 Italy
Unit director: Prof. Giovanni Fabbrini
Institution website

Contact: Giovanni Fabbrini

University of Pisa- Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana
Pisa, Italy

Clinical and research training, 1 year
English, Italian required
September-October start date preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 3
Estimated costs: Appx. 1000 euro per month living expenses
Support available from host site: Institution can provide housing support
Administrative requirements: Formal agreement required.

Educational activities

  • Seminars and lessons
  • Participation at the clinics (Parkinson and Parkinsonisms, HD, Dystonia, Tremor, Ataxias, NPH etc).
  • Attending at the DBS and other complex therapies (apomoprhine duodopa).
  • Participation at Neuroimaging Meeting and activities (the center is a reference center for MRI including 7Tesla MRI, and molecular imaging)

via Roma 67
Pisa, Italy 56127
Unit director: Roberto Ceravolo
Institution website

Contact: Roberto Ceravolo
​​​​​​​Directo of Clinical Ceneter for Neurodegenerative Diseases- parkinson and Movement Disorders

IRCCS Mondino Foundation
Pavia, Italy

Clinical or research training, 6 months
English required
Can start any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: 1500-2000 EUR for accomodation and meal. 1000 EUR for medical and job insurance.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa for trainee abroad EU. Medical and job insurance.

Educational activities

Clinical activity: several multidisciplinary clinical opportunities in different setting (outpatient and inpatient clinic ) including neurogenetic, deep brain stimulation (DBS), botulinum toxin (BTX), neurorehabilitation, evaluation of autonomic disorders and cognition, electromyography for dystonia and dysphagia.

Research activity: Pre-Clinical Research (basic science and genetics) in the Neurogenetic Unit and Clinical research activity ( deep phenotyping of patients carring genetic mutations)

Via Mondino 2
Pavia, Italy 27100
Unit director: Roberta Zangaglia
Institution website

Contact: Enza Maria Valente
Head of Neurogenetics Unit

Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Parkinson and Movement Disorders Unit
Milan, Italy

Clinical or research training, 3-12 months
English required
Can start any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 2-3
Estimated costs: 1000 EUR/month for living costs, one-time cost of medical and job insurance.
Support available from host site: The Institution can provide housing support
Administrative requirements: Formal agreement is required.

Educational activities

  • Outpatient movement disorders activity including clinics for parkinsonism, tremor, dystonia, ataxia, chorea, myoclonus, and tics 
  • Outpatient botulinum toxin clinics for movement disorders (including US- or EMG-guided injections)
  • Outpatient movement disorders activity for functional movement disorders
  • Inpatient movement disorders activity with daily meetings for case discussion
  • Inpatient and outpatient clinical activity for device-aided therapies including deep brain stimulation, levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion and apomorphine subcutaneous infusion 
  • Weekly sessions of Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) for Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor (the center is a national reference center for MRgFUS)
  • Weekly neurostimulation multisciplinary meeting for adult and pediatric patients with movement disorders
  • Autonomic function tests laboratory
  • Neurophysiological studies for movement disorders
  • Monthly journal clubs
  • Neurology Seminars 
  • Commercial and non-commercial trials 
  • Monthly research meetings within the movement disorders unit and other units (e.g. genetics)

Clinical Training
The training program will offer the opportunity to attend daily outpatient and inpatient clinical activities for patients with movement disorders including parkinsonism, tremor, dystonia, ataxia, chorea, myoclonus, and tic disorders. In addition, the centre provides outpatient and inpatient care for screening and monitoring of patients on device-aided therapies such as deep brain stimulation, levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion, and apomorphine subcutaneous infusion. The center is also national reference center for Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery with weekly neurostimulation multisciplinary meetings (neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists and neuroradiologists) for adult and pediatric patients with movement disorders. The training will also include the possibility to attend specialist clinics for botulinum toxin injections (including US- or EMG-guided injections), and functional movement disorders as well as the autonomic function tests laboratory and neurophysiological studies for movement disorders (e.g. EMG-polygraphy study of tremor). 

Research Training
The training will offer the opportunity to learn about and contribute to clinical and translational research on movement disorders. The research activity of the centre is mainly focused on Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonism, essential tremor, dystonia, ataxia, chorea and other hyperkinetic disorders with deep phenotyping of patients carring genetic mutations and the possibility to learn about state-of-the art techniques including skin biopsy and RT-QuIC among others

via Celoria 11
Milan, Italy 20133
Unit director: Dr. Roberto Eleopra
Institution website

Contacts: Dr Roberto Cilia (coordinator)
Director of the Unit ‘Parkinson and Continuity of Care’; Consultant Neurologist 

Dr Valentina Leta
Consultant Neurologist 

University of Salerno
Salerno, SA, Italy

Clinical or research training, 6-12 months
English (research) Italian (clinical)

Additional details

Number of positions: 2 per year
Estimated costs: 2000 EUR
Support available from host site: no
Administrative requirements: Personal insurance to be covered. No special visa requirements

Educational activities

Outpatient MD clinic (PD, Atypical Park, tremor, dystonia and mixed MD), device-aided therapy, botulinum toxin, gait analysis, neuropsychology

Largo Ippocrate, 84131 Salerno, SA, Italy
Unit director: Paolo Barone
Institution website

Contacts: Roberto Erro

University of Catania
Catania, Sicily, Italy

Clinical training, 1-6 months
English required
From January to June

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: 800 USD monthly
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa for entry into Italy

Educational activities

  • EMG training
  • Spasticity and botulinum toxin clinic

via S.Sofia 78, Catania, Sicily, Italy 95100
Unit director: Prof. Michele Vecchio
Institution website

Contacts: Michele vecchio
Head of rehabilitation unit



University Medical Centre Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands

Clinical and research training; 3, 6, or 12 months
English or Dutch required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 1200-1400. No institution fees. 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: No visa needed, but there are other requirements including vaccinations. 

Educational activities

  • Outpatient clinics: hyperkinetic MD, ataxia, Parkinson clinics, DBS dystonia
  • Multidisciplinary outpatient clinics:  pediatric MD, functional MD (combined with psychiatry), metabolic MD
  • Multidisciplinary DBS teams
  • Electrophysiology: botulinum toxin clinics, polymyography.
  • Weekly videosessions
  • Weekly research meetings
  • For researchprojects see website

Hanzeplein 1
Groningen, Netherlands
Unit director: Marina de Koning-Tijssen
Institution website​​​​​​​

Contact: Marina de Koning-Tijssen
Head of the movement disorders



Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Lisboa, Portugal

Research training, minimum of 2 months
English required
Starting times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2
Estimated monthly costs: €700-1,000. There are no institutional fees
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities
  • Group uses a systems neuroscience approach to study the dysfunction of brain circuits, with a focus on movement disorders, such as dystonia and Parkinson’s disease.

  • Work in parallel with clinical populations and animal models to explore outstanding questions using a combination of detailed behavior analysis, brain imaging, electrophysiology, and optogenetics to gain mechanistic insight into how symptoms emerge from disordered motor control circuits.

  • Studies can be centered in Human aspects of the disease or Rodent models of disease.

Avenida de Brasília Lisboa
Lisboa 1400 Portugal
Unit director: Joaquim Alves da Silva
Institution website

Contact: Marcelo Mendonça
Head of Movement Disorders



Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío
Seville, Spain

Clinical and research training, 3-24 months
Spanish and English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: 1000 - 1500 € per month
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Documentation required by the teaching department.

Educational activities
Below is the proposal for a one-week rotation for a specialist in Neurology in the Movement Disorders Unit of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital.

8.15-9 hours. Clinical session of the Multidisciplinary Unit in Movement Disorders Surgery.
Online or in-person connection in the Neurology Day Unit on the first floor of the Hospital of Rehabilitation and Traumatology.
There are two options during the morning:
9-15 hours. Attendance at the Neurology Day Unit (first floor of the Rehabilitation Hospital
and Traumatology). Assessment of patient with advanced therapies, mainly brain stimulation
deep and intestinal infusion therapies. Pre-surgical patients and reviews are evaluated. Dr. Carrillo.
9-15 hours. Botulinum toxin consultation with cases using ultrasound. Consultation 209 of the Center Diagnosis and Treatment, second floor. Dr. Jesus.
3:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Continuity of care with assessment of patients with movement disorders.
Consultation 209 of the Diagnosis and Treatment Center, second floor. Dr. Carrillo, Dr. Adarmes, Dr. Jesús, Dr. Macías, Dr. Muñoz.

9-15 hours. Consultation for Parkinson's disease or movement disorders. Consultation 209 of the Center
Diagnosis and Treatment, second floor. Dr. Mir.
3:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Functional Movement Disorders Consultation. Consultation 209 of the Center
Diagnosis and Treatment, second floor. Dr. Macías.

8.15-9 hours. On the last Wednesday of the month, the session on rare diseases is held, which takes place with movement disorders online.
There are two options for the student to choose from:
9-15 hours. Deep brain stimulation surgery in movement disorders. First and second
plant of the Rehabilitation and Traumatology Hospital. Dr. Carrillo.
9-15 hours. Consultation on ataxias and paraparesis. Consultation 209 of the Diagnosis and Treatment Center, second floor. Dr. Adarmes.

On alternate Thursdays there are two alternatives.
9-15 hours. Consultation for Parkinson's disease or movement disorders. Consultation 209 or 205 of the Diagnostic and Treatment Center, second floor. Dr. Jesus.
9-15 hours. Parkinson's disease consultation. Consultation 209 of the Diagnostic Center and
Treatment, second floor. Dr. Adarmes.

8.15-9 hours. Session on rare diseases that cause movement disorders. Online connection
or in person at the Neurology Day Unit on the first floor of the Rehabilitation Hospital and Traumatology.
There are two alternatives for the student to choose from:
9-15 hours. Botulinum toxin consultation. Consultation 209 of the Diagnosis and Treatment Center, second floor. Dr. Mir.
9-15 hours. Consultation of advanced therapies. Consultation 201 of the Diagnostic and Treatment Center, second floor. Dr. Carrillo.


Avda. Manuel Siurot, s/n
Seville, Spain 41013
Unit director: Pablo Mir
Institution website

Contact: Pablo Mir
Principal Investigator

Hospital Universitario Burgos
Burgos, Spain

Clincial and research training, 3 months
Spanish required
Please avoid summer time (June-September) due to staff´s vacation time

Additional details

Number of positions: 2 per year
Estimated monthly costs: Approximately 1500 EUR per month.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Before coming to the institution, fellows have to submit the application to the Spanish Government. Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare - Professionals - Information for professionals - Training -

Educational activities

  • Advanced PD therapies (apomorphine, levodopa pumps)
  • Huntington disease 
  • Clinical trials
  • Botulinum toxin
  • Multidisciplinary research

Avda Islas Baleares 3
Burgos, Spain 09006
Unit director: Esther Cubo
Institution website

Contact: Esther Cubo

Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
Madrid, Spain

Clinical training, 3-6 months
Spanish and English required
January to June

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: 400-800 €
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

  • Our MD Unit is a Reference Unit for MD in Spain.
  • Specific consultations of daily MD/Parkinson
  • Two days botulinum toxin
  • Two days Huntington Disease
  • One day Ataxia
  • Procedures: DBS, Duodopa, Apomorphine

Carretera de Colmenat KM 9.100
Madrid, Spain
Unit director: Juan Carlos Martinez Castrillo
Institution website

Contact: Jacobo Cabañas Montero
Head of Teaching

Hospital Rey Juan Carlos
Móstoles, Spain

Clinical training, 2-3 months
Spanish at least medium level (B2) required
Begins any time except July or August

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2 per year
Estimated monthly costs: 1000€ for accomodation and basic costs. No institutional fees.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities
  • Movement disorder patients consultation (PD and parkinsonisms, tremors, dystonia, chorea, myoclonus, tics)
  • Transcranial parenquima echography
  • EMG-guided toxin infiltration
  • Eletrophyisological assessment of movement disorders (along with the Neurophysiology service)
  • Ultrasound-guided toxin infiltration
  • Levodopa challenge
  • Complex patients evaluation
  • Deep brain stimulation surgery and programming

c/Gladiolo s/n
Móstoles Madrid 28049 Spain
Unit director: Carlos Ordás Bandera
Institution website

Contact: Carlos Ordás
Movement Disorders Unit Coordinator



University Hospital of Lausanne - CHUV
Lausanne, Switzerland

Clinical training, 1 year
French level B2 or higher required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: There is a mandatory scholarship of minimum 2000 CHF (Swiss francs) per month that the trainee must receive, either from her/his own institution, or from any other official institutional or educational grant. Coming with personal funds is forbidden.
Support available from host site: The institution can help by providing housing (fully equipped studios with kitchen, bathroom and furniture - including sheets) at costs between 650 to 1200 CHF per month, depending on the size.
Administrative requirements: Easy administrative requirements for trainees from European Union and European Free Trade Association. Unfortunately, very complicated for trainees from other countries.

Educational activities

  • Going to the operation theater during DBS procedures (as neurologist, not surgeon), performing advanced DBS programming  for PD, dystonia etc... (Percept IPG, directionnal leads, recording Local Field Potentials) ; participating in the botulinum toxin clinic, the ataxia clinic and especially the general movement disorders clinic (PD, dystonia, tremor, chorea, myoclonus, functionnal neurological disorders and rare neurological disorders) ; participating at rounds (general neurology plus movement disorders weekly rounds) ; training opportunities. 
  • 50% for clinics and 50% for clinical research (brain and medullary stimulation, dysautonomia etc...)

This program could potentially be partially reshaped to suit the trainee's interests and goals.

Rue du Bugnon 46
Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
Unit director: Julien François Bally

Contact:Julien François Bally
Head of movement disorders unit

University Hospital of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

Clinical or research training, 6 months - 3 years
German required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated monthly costs: ~2000 CHF/month
Support available from host site: The institution can help by providing housing (fully equipped studios with kitchen, bathroom and furniture - including sheets) at costs between 650 to 1200 CHF per month, depending on the size.
Administrative requirements: Easy administrative requirements for trainees from European Union and European Free Trade Association; more complicated for trainees from other countries.

Educational activities

  • The programme is a clinical and research training programme for neurologists, or neurologists in training; good general knowledge of neurology, and basic knowledge of movement disorders is mandatory. Candidates are encouraged to participate in the various research projects. The programme will be tailored according to the needs and interests of the candidates.
  • Candidates will be able to attend all activities of the Movement Disorders Centre, in order to gain expertise in the diagnosis and management of the whole spectrum of movement disorders:
  • Specialized Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinics: including Parkinson's Disease, atypical parkinsonism, tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, functional movement disorders, rare genetic or autoimmune movement disorders, cerebellar ataxia
  • Grand Rounds: Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinics to assess difficult cases
  • U18 Grand Rounds: Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinics with neuropediatricians (management including advanced therapies in special cases; rare diseases or cases without a definite diagnosis; transition clinic)
  • Advanced therapy board: to assess patients with PD and other movement disorders for eligibility for advanced therapies
  • Advanced therapies: evaluation and implementation of intraduodenal levodopa/carbidopa gel infusion, apomorphine pump, Deep Brain Stimulation, MR-guided focused ultrasound
  • Motor laboratory lead by our advanced Parkinson's Disease nurses: levodopa or apomorphine tests, tremor assessment with accelerometery
  • Movement Disorders inpatients: comprehensive evaluation for diagnosis or advanced therapies; comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment programmes
  • Other educational activities: including seminars, case rounds, video sessions and journal clubs (movement disorders and other fields of neurology)

Frauenklinikstrasse 26
Trakt Haldenbach
Zurich, Switzerland 8091
Unit director: Dr. med. Bettina Balint
Institution website

Contact: Bettina Balint
Director of Movement Disorder Unit



Marmara University Hospital
Istanbul, Turkey

Clinical training, 3-6 months
English required
Summer term is not preferred.

Additional details

Number of positions: 4
Estimated monthly costs: No institution fee. Public transport is easy and affordable. Accommodation is costly in Istanbul. 750-800 Euro
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Guidance will be given for correspondence with our Dean's Office.

Educational activities

  • To participate in the program, candidates are preferred to be medical doctors and neurologists
  • We provide case-based learning about movement disorders and the opportunity to see and follow a large number of patients.
  • Device-assisted treatments are applied in our center, and follow-up outpatient clinics are carried out with teamwork
  • As a team member, "the clinician in training" gains the opportunity to actively participate in patient review councils, present in case discussions, and participate in ongoing research.
  • Takes part in preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative patient follow-up in DBS surgery.
  • In our outpatient clinic, which operates 4 days a week, Parkinson's disease and atypical cases, tremor, dystonia, chorea and advanced stage patient follow-up and botulinum toxin applications are performed. When necessary, patients are followed up in the inpatient service.

Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi
Ust Kaynarca
Istanbul, Turkey 34899
Unit director: Dilek Gunal
Institution website

Contact: Prof. Dr. Dilek Gunal



National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
Vinnytsya, Ukraine

Clinical, research, and allied health training, 10 days
English and Ukrainian required
From September until June

Additional details

Number of positions: 25
Estimated monthly costs: 2650 hryvnas per 10 days training
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Allied Health training

  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech Therapy

Educational activities

  • Clinical assessment of patients
  • Selection of treatment methods
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Botulinum therapy

Pyrogova str 109
Neurology department
Vinnytsya, Ukraine 21037
Unit director: Hennadii Moskovko
Institution website

Contact: Hennadii Moskovko
Head of Neurology department


United Kingdom

Kings College Hospital and Kings College London
London, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training, 3-12 months
English required
January or September

Additional details

Number of positions: 2-4
Estimated monthly costs: Kings has a charge of £150 for provding institutional access. Living costs in London are high. We advise applicants to look for accomodation close to Denmark Hill site of Kings College Hospital. 
Support available from host site: Kings Parkinson's centre will support research porjects uder the supervision of Professor K Ray Chaudhuri as well as open access publication fees and attendance at international congresses if papers arising from research are presented. The institution can also share practical advice about living arrangements, etc.
Administrative requirements: Contracts: Obligatory visiting fellow quesionnniare, health check and safety (DBS) check in some cases, based on national law. For research a Good Clilnical Pratcice certification (UK) is ideal (online course).

Educational activities

  • Taught academic lectures
  • Outpatient clinics ( consultant)
  • Outpatient clinics ( Nurse led) 
  • Advanced therapies in PD and parkinsonism 
  • Atypical Parkinson and Huntington's clinics
  • In patient reviews
  • Weekly multidisciplinary meetings 
  • Group PD care clilnics
  • Expert patient groups
  • Nonmotor care in clinic
  • Botulinum toxin clinic for dystonia
  • Liaison clinic ( geriatrics and PD)
  • Nonmotor research programme (world ranked)
  • One of the largest clinical trials centre in UK

Fellowships at Kings Parkinson's Centre of Excellence have been in place since 2015. Prof K Ray Chaudhuri is currently ranked 4th in the world by Expertscape.

Dept. Basic And Clinical NeuroscienceThe Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute King's College London
Cutcombe Road, London SE5 9RT
5 Cutcombe Road
London, England, United Kingdom
Unit director: K Ray Chaudhuri 
Institution website

Contact: Dhaval Trivedi
Research coordinator

School of Medicine, University of Dundee
Dundee, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training, duration can vary based on interest
English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2
Estimated monthly costs: 1000£
Support available from host site: No specific support is provided, but it can be arranged on an individual basis depending on candidate's CV, prior experience and GMC registration status.
Administrative requirements: A valid UK visa is required, general medical council (GMC) and Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme registration, interview if the candidate wishes to be involved in direct patient care / temporary clinical contract. Less rigorous administrative requirements for candidates wishing to train in translational / basic science.

Educational activities
The candidate would be able to participate in clinical educational meetings such as grand rounds, neurology case presentations, neuroradiology meetings, journal club, outpatient and inpatient clinical care, ect. We have particular expertise in high frequency focus ultrasound (Dr. Thomas Gilbertson) and genetics of Parkinson's disease (Dr. Muqit and Dr. Sammler). Additionally, we have dedicated Huntington's disease, botulinum toxin and neuropsychiatry clinics. Additional, we have a range of clinical trials in Parkinson's disease running at any given time.

For research trainees, the focus in Dundee is on fundamental and translational sciences in the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (Professor Dario Alessi FRS, director), in particular signalling pathways of LRRK2, PINK1, Parkin, and GBA.

Ninewells Drive
Dundee, Angus, United Kingdom
Unit director: Professor Miratul Muqit
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Esther Sammler
Consultant Neurologist and Scottish Senior Clinical Academic Fellow

St George's University Hospital
London, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training
3-6 months or 1-2 years
English required
Begins in September

Additional details

Number of positions: No more than 4 trainees per year
Estimated monthly costs: 1700-2000$ per month. A shared room in London usually costs around 1200$, monthly costs for transport to the hospital is around 200$ per month, 500$ for meals

Support available from host site: N/A

Administrative requirements: We need a CV from the applicant. Tier5 VISA is requested for EU applicants if the staying is longer than 6 months. Otherwise, no VISA is required. The TIER5 VISA process requires a sponsorship letter from our university that takes usually 1 month time since the requested is sent to Human Resources. With the sponsorship letter, the applicant can apply online for TIER5 VISA and the answer is obtained within 4 weeks.

Educational activities

  • Clinical training on diagnosis, assessment and management of Parkinsonisms, including DBS and infusion therapies for Parkinson's disease
  • Clinical Training on diagnosis, assessment and management of adult-onset dystonia with oral medications, botulinum toxin, Deep Brain Stimulation
  • Clinical Training on management of complex dystonias with botulinum toxin (including EMG guided injection, vocal cord injection)
  • Clinical Training on diagnosis, assessment and management of Functional Movement Disorders.
  • Clinical Training on assessment, diagnosis and management of Ataxias, Huntington’s Disease and Tourette’s Syndrome
  • Clinical Training on assessment, diagnosis and management rare and unusual movement disorders
  • Research training on electrophysiology and kinematic applied to the study of Movement Disorders and mechanism of DBS
  • Weekly grand rounds
  • Weekly lab meeting of the MDS/Neuromodulation team
  • Monthly Video session
  • Monthly MDT holistic clinic for Parkinson’s disease
  • Monthly MDT meetings of the Advanced Therapies team
  • Research training on data collection, analysis and manuscript writing for clinical cohort studies

Blackshaw Road
London, United Kingdom Unit director: Dr. Dominic Paviour
Institution website

Contact: Prof. Francesca Morgante
Professor of Neurology

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training
12 months preferred, shorter durations considered
English required
Begins in September

Additional details

Number of positions: 1-2 per year
Estimated monthly costs: 1000-1200 £ for living costs, taking into account at least 500 pounds of rent for a room. There are institution fees which are variable on the base of the type of fellowship (research or clinical) and duration.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: A Visa is required to go to the UK. The institution requires induction and occupational health checks. The registration to the General Medical Council would be preferable.

Educational activities

  • Regular neurosciences grand rounds / clinical meetings as well as journal club presentations
  • Monthly audit meeting 
  • Regular IT resources  to access appropriate software and medical research material and online journals
  • Attending Functional Neurosurgery/DBS for Movement Disorders multidisciplinary clinics
  • Advanced Parkinson's Disease therapy clinics
  • Dystonia & Spasticity Botulinum Toxin Services 
  • Neurogenetics clinics
  • Huntington’s Disease Clinics 
  • Complex Tourette’s Syndrome Clinics 
  • Advanced Tremor clinics
  • MR guided focus ultrasound therapy sessions in theatre with neurologists, neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons
  • MR guided focus ultrasound multidisciplinary clinics

Lower Lane
Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom Unit director: Dr Jay Panicker
Institution website

Contact: Antonella Macerollo
Consultant Neurologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training, 3+ months
Fluent English required
Can begin any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated costs: £1500-2000 (including housing)
Support available from host site: Newcastle University can be approached for student accommodation. There is no separate stipend for visiting fellows.
Administrative requirements: A Visa is required to go to the UK. The institution requires induction and occupational health checks. The registration to the General Medical Council would be preferable.

Educational activities

  • Weekly neurosciences grand rounds / clinical meetings
  • Attending Functional Neurosurgery/DBS for Movement Disorders multidisciplinary clinics
  • Advanced Parkinson's Disease therapy clinics
  • Dystonia Botulinum Toxin Services 
  • Neurogenetics clinics
  • Atypical parkinsonism MDT clinics
  • Joint psychiatry/ neurology MDTs

Department of Neurosciences, Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom Ne1 4lp
Unit director: Dr David Ledingham
Institution website

Contact: David Ledingham
Consultant Neurologist

Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom

Clinical and research training, 3-6 months
English required
Start times flexible

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs:  £1500-2500+ (including housing)
Support available from host site: Subsidised hospital accommodation is available
Administrative requirements: Non-EU applicants may need a visa. There is an institutional application process (including an application fee). Demonstration of English proficiency (e.g. IELTS level 7 or above) is required.

Educational activities

  • Functional neurosurgery - DBS, MRgFUS
  • Device aided therapy - apomorphine, Duodopa
  • Clinics - complex movement disorder, Botulinum toxin, Neurogenetics
  • Neurology grand rounds, journal clubs
  • Research - neuroimaging, neuromodulation, gait lab

Department of Neurology
Charing Cross Hospital, Fulham Palace Road
London, United Kingdom
Unit director: Yen Tai

Contact: Yen Tai
Director of Unit

UCL Queen Square Brain Bank
London, United Kingdom

Clinical training, 3+ months
Fluent English required
Can begin any time

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: £1,600 EUR living expenses.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Relevant mandatory training (eg health and safety) and access will be provided.

Educational activities

  • A wide range of specialist clinics in movement disorders and ward rounds for inpatients
  • Educational activities including video sessions, grand rounds and clinico-pathological conferences
  • Basic understanding of neuropathology in movement disorders
  • Possibility of collaborating in clinico-pathological research

1 Wakefield Street
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
London, United Kingdom WC1N 1PJ
Unit director: Prof. Thomas Warner
Institution website

Contact: Eduardo de Pablo-Fernandez
​​​​​​​Clinical Research Associate and Consultant Neurologist

King's College Parkinson's Foundation Centre of Excellence
London, United Kingdom

Clinical, research, and allied health training, 1-6 months
English required
No preferred start time. We ask to avoid July-Aug as start dates.

Additional details

Number of positions: 6 per year
Estimated costs: 
Housing: £1500/month
Travel: £200/month
Living expenses: £200/month
Approximately total £2000/month required
Support available from host site: We can support finding housing and travel information, but cannot provide any financial support at the centre for these ourselves.
Administrative requirements: UK visa required. If wanting to stay more than 6 months, we recommend GMC, but this is not mandatory. 

Allied health training:

  • Nursing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietrician/ Nutritonalist
  • Occupational Therapiest
  • Speech and Language therapiest
  • Rehab specialist
  • Palliative nurse/ specialist

Educational activities

  • Weekly Complex PD Consultant Clinic
  • Weekly Complex PD Nurse clinic
  • Movement Disorder MDT (weekly)
  • Weekly Movement disorder clinic
  • Weekly Botox clinic for dystonia and salivation
  • Tic disorder clinics
  • FND clinics
  • DBS clinic and visit to theatres
  • Duodopa initiation observation and learning
  • Produodopa inititation observation and learning
  • Apo-Go initiation observation and learning
  • Weekly general neurology teaching
  • Monthly ground round (neuroscience)
  • Weekly PD speific international teaching
  • Annual MD and PD symposium
  • Attendance to research MDT meetings
  • Daily access to research study visits
  • Daily access to ward rounds on neurology ward

Trainee's have a session initially outlining their interest and a focused timetable of clinics and opportunities is drafted for them to visit and learn from. The timetable is not fixed, and can be adjusted and reviewed throughout their training period with us. All visitors will be mandated to attend clinics and research visits to ensure full exposure of movement disorder and PD cases.

King's College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London, United Kingdom SE5 9RS
Unit director: Prof. K Ray Chaudhuri
Institution website

Contact: Dr Mubasher A Qamar
Neurology speciality doctor and Fellow

Institute of Neurology, UCL/UCLH
London, United Kingdom

Clinical training, 6-12 months or longer
English required
September or April

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: At least £2000 per month
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Formalities and paper work will be needed - departmental administrator can help in this.

Educational activities

Clinics, but also various academic activities of a busy Movement Disorders Unit.


Queen Square
London, United Kingdom WC1N3BG
Unit director: Prof T Schapira /Prof Kailash Bhatia
Institution website

Contact: Prof Kailash Bhatia
Professor of Clinical Neurology


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