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International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

Train the Trainer Program - Pan American Section  

Gain tools and resources to become a Trainer and lead education programs for nurses and rehabilitation specialists in your region.

Main Content

The application deadline for the 2024-2025 program has passed.

Learn to educate other for nurses and rehabilitation specialists (physical therapists, occupational therapist, and speech therapists) to work with movement disorders patients. MDS will provide curriculum, resources, training, and support in English, so you can lead trainings for your peers in their local languages and organizations.

Trainers will learn not only specialized movement disorders techniques for their field, but also the best methods to organize education programs, including teaching strategies and program evaluation.

Who Should Apply 

MDS members residing in the MDS-Pan American Section, who:

  • Are nurses and rehabilitation specialists with at least two years of experience working with Patients living with Parkinson’s disease in a clinical setting and providing care to at least four patients per week.
    • Nurses
    • Physical Therapists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Speech Therapists
  • Dedicated to teaching and training foundational principles of healthcare professionals.
  • Have a proficiency in both English and the local language.

Program Format

Trainer education will incorporate a variety of educational formats including: 

  • Online education modules and lectures for on-demand viewing
  • Webinar with interactive discussion
  • In person training course (March – Location to be announced) 
  • Interactive assessments 
  • Virtual meetings to mentor trainers in planning their local programs

The 11-month program will include virtual activities and one in-person component from September 2024 - July 2025. Selected trainers are required to participate in the entire duration of the program.

Activities and Timeline 

September 2024-July 2025
Accepted trainers must complete all components of the program:

September 2, 2024
Virtual introductory meeting with faculty and selected participants. Overview and expectations of the program. Begin online educational modules.

October 7, 2024 | November 4, 2024 | December 2, 2024 | January 6, 2025 | February 3, 2025
Live online lectures and group discussions regarding assigned course work.

March 27-28-29, 2025 in Brazil (Exact location to be announced) 
In-person program 2.5 day (workshops, practical)

April 2025
Virtual meeting with Faculty Mentors and trainers to discuss planning of local educational program

April – June 2025
Trainers host local programs in local language. Trainers are responsible for all aspects of the local program planning, development, and implementation, with faculty in advisory role. IMPORTANT: MDS does not provide funding for local training programs.

July 2025
Course Directors and Trainers meetings to discuss program feedback. 



The application deadline has passed.

If you have questions, contact Lorena Martinez, MDS-PAS Regional Liaison, at



Each MDS Regional Section is running its own pilot of the Train the Trainer program for local professionals: 

African  |  Asian & Oceanian  |  European  |  Pan American

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