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International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
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Host Sites: MDS-AS Visiting Trainee Grants


View 2024-2025 AS host sites by country:

AS applicants may also apply outside the African region.
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Institutions listed have offered to host trainees participating in the MDS-AS Visiting Trainee Grant program. Trainees will need to separately apply and be accepted into the program at their host institution/sponsor to apply for the grant. 

This list is not comprehensive, and applicants may also apply to programs outside of this list. Applicants from the African Section may also apply to programs outside of the African region.

View program details


Ain Shams Univeirsty- Faculty of medicine-Department of Neurology
Cairo, Egypt

Clinical and research training, 3 months - 6 months
English required

Additional details

Number of positions: 4
Estimated monthly costs: 500$ for institute. Monthly living 400$.
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: A recommendation letter is required.
Visa is required.

Educational activities

  • Attending movement disorders clinics
  • Attending grand rounds
  • Botulinum toxin injection
  • Functionally neurosurgery / DBS for movement disorders
  • Research
  • General neurology training

Abbasia Square, Abbasia St, 
Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt 11757
Unit director: Ali Shalash
Institution website

Contact: Ali Shalash
Chair of movement disorders unit, professor of neurology



Institute of Primate Research
Nairobi, Kenya

Research and allied health training, 4 weeks
English required
Begins June / July

Additional details

Number of positions: 25
Estimated monthly costs: $3,500 USD
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: A formal request and Visa are required for entry and stay in Kenya for the duration of training

Educational activities

  • Organized Field School on Primates Behavioural studies in both captive and field-based primates

End of Karen Road
Box 24481, Karen Nairobi
Unit director: Dr. Peter G Mwethera
Institution website

Contact: Dr. Ngalla Jillani
Senior Research Scientist and Head, NCD


Kenyatta National Hospital
Nairobi, Kenya

Clinical and research training, up to three months
English required

Additional details

Number of positions: 5
Estimated monthly costs: US$1000- $2000
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: US$200 - US$500 depending on the level of education
Visa is a requirement depending on the country of origin of the trainee

Educational activities

  • Orthpaedic manual therapy
  • Pelvic health rehabilitation
  • Hemophiliic Patients Rehabilitation
  • Neuro-Rehabilitation

P.O.Box 20723-00202
Nairobi, Kenya
Unit director: Dr Kennedy Ondede
Institution website

Contact: Dickson Okumu Agutu
Head of Rehabilitative Services



Federal Neuro-psychiatric hospital
Barnawa, Kaduna State

Research and clinical training, 1-2 weeks
English required

Additional details

Number of positions: 30-50
Estimated monthly costs: Negotiable, depending on the estimate
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: N/A

Educational activities

  • Lectures

Federal Neuro-psychiatric hospital
Barnawa, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Unit director: Dr. Obiakor

Contact: Hassan Sagir Bindawa
Senior registrar


University of  Ilorin
Ilorin, Nigeria

Research training, 3 months
English required

Additional details

Number of positions: 1
Estimated monthly costs: Accommodation, $1,000 USD.  Meals, $1,000 USD.  Transport, $400 USD. Institutional fees, $300 USD. Lab consumables and rodent purchase, $500 USD. 
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Trainees must apply for the visit to the Primary contact. The primary contact would initiate a letter to recommend the trainee to the host Institution. The trainee is responsible for all logistical arrangements and for securing the required visa, unless he or she is from Visa-exempt countries.

Educational activities

  • Introduction to neuroscience - taught
  • Introduction to ethics in research- taught
  • Introduction to research method in Neuroscience-taught/practical
  • Special lecture on basic science research on Parkinson's disease- taught/practical
  • Modelling of Parkinson's disease in rodents-Practical
  • Modelling pain in rodents induced with parkinson's disease

Department of Physiology,
College of Health Sciences
Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
Unit director: Bamidele Owoyele

Contact: Bamidele Owoyele
University of Ilorin

University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Ibadan, Nigeria

Research training 
3-4 days for intensive groups, 3-6 months for lab internship
English required
February start date preferred

Additional details

Number of positions: 10-20
Estimated costs: Training fees: $150 USD per person monthly
Support available from host site: Housing, electricity, technical support
Administrative requirements: Visa consideration for anyone outside West Africa. 

Educational activities

  • Lectures
  • Animal Handling
  • Behavioral tests in rodents
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Microscopy

Neuroscience Unit, Veterinary Anatomy, University Of Ibadan
Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria, 200583
Unit director: Prof James O Olopade
Institution website

Contact: Prof. James O Olopade
​​​​​​​Principal Investigator


Centre Hospitalier de Pikine
Dakar, Senegal

Clinical and Research training 
6 months
French required
From January to September start date

Additional details

Number of positions: 2
Estimated costs: $1000 monthly
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: A recommendation letter is required. Visa is required except for West Africans.

Educational activities

  • Movement disorders clinics (Parkinson's disease, Atypical parkinsonism, Ataxias, Dystonias, Choreas, Tremors, ...)
  • Botulinum toxin injection
  • Research in Movement disorders and parkinsonian syndroms
  • Lectures, clinical case presentations, in-patient visits
  • General neurology

Practicing neurologists in the department: 3

Health professionals in the department: 10


Sis Ex Camp Thiaroye
Thiaroye, Dakar 11000, Senegal
Unit director: Prof. Maouly FALL

Contact: Prof. Maouly FALL
Chef du Service de Neurologie



Mongi Ben Hmida National Institute of Neurology
Tunis, Tunisia

Clinical and research training, 3-6 months
Arabic, French or English required
September to June

Additional details

Number of positions: 2 per year
Estimated monthly costs:  $1000
Support available from host site: N/A
Administrative requirements: Visa can be required

Educational activities

  • Training in examining and managing patients with movement disorders including Parkinson's disease, ataxias and dystonias.
  • Training on Botulinum toxin injections.
  • Attending weekly didactics.

La Rabta
Tunis, Tunisia
Unit director: Samia Ben Sassi

Contact: Samia Ben Sassi
Professsor of neurology



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